Simulation of the aerodynamics and combustion of a turbulent pulverized-coal flame


  • N.V. Pilipenko

        45 38


Using the three-dimensional modeling method, numerical experiments on flame combustion of pulverized-coal
fuel have been performed. The results of a three-dimensional numerical simulation of flow aerodynamics,
temperature and carbon oxides are presented. Studies have been carried out for a pulverized-angle flame of
various dispersity. In the study of a wide range of modern problems of science and technology, numerical
simulation of heat and mass transfer process is particularly important and has enormous practical application.
Interaction of reacting flows is described by a complex system of nonlinear partial differential equations.
Indispensable effective method of theoretical study of such flows is a numerical simulation. Recent results
obtained in the course of this article allow solving the scientific and engineering issues, choosing the optimal
option of the combustion process organization to increase its efficiency, minimize harmful gaseous and
particulate emissions and reduce the negative impact on the environment. Addressing these issues is relevant in
respect to the concept of energy safety of the country on the one side and the development of processes of
"clean combustion" of fuel to meet strict standards of harmful substances emission into the atmosphere and
economy use the equipment, on the other side.


How to Cite

Pilipenko, N. (2018). Simulation of the aerodynamics and combustion of a turbulent pulverized-coal flame. Physical Sciences and Technology, 3(2), 57–64.



Thermal Physics and Related Techology