Interaction of atmospheric pressure plasma with a liquid electrode


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This research focuses on the interaction between liquid electrode (water) and atmospheric discharge streamers in air. It elucidates water surface deformations due to electrohydrodynamic effects in high-voltage discharge-distilled water interaction. The aim is to comprehensively study processes in the water layer under electrical discharges, with research areas covering discharge parameter measurement, water surface deformation control, and electrode change analysis. The study holds scientific significance in enhancing understanding of electrohydrodynamic effects and plasma-liquid interaction mechanisms. Practically, it has potential applications in water treatment, liquid purification, and materials science. Research methods involve analyzing electrical characteristics of the discharge and surface properties of a metal grounded electrode in water. Key results show water surface deformation, electrolysis, and discharge electrical property changes at a fixed liquid thickness, characterizing plasma-liquid interaction dynamics and enabling optimization of related technologies. The results can enhance water treatment and purification, assist in new material and coating development. In water treatment and liquid purification, they can boost pollutant decomposition via plasma and electrolysis. In materials science, they can guide new anticorrosive coating development on metals by studying oxidation and deposition under plasma discharge. The data also benefits other plasma-technology-related fields.


How to Cite

Toremurat, A., Ashirbek, A. ., Akildinova, A. ., & Orazbayev, S. . (2024). Interaction of atmospheric pressure plasma with a liquid electrode. Physical Sciences and Technology, 11(3-4), 67–75.



Plasma Physics and Related Technology