Generalized pair potential between charged particles in densesemiclassical plasma


  • T.S. Ramazanov al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • K.N. Dzhumagulova al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Zh.A. Moldabekov al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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The pair interaction potential of charged particles in a dense two-component plasmas, which takes into account quantum-mechanical effects, was obtained on the basis of the comparison of the quantum-mechanical Slater sum with the classical Boltzmann factor. The equations issued from this comparison were solved numerically and the spline approximation of these numerical results gives the interpolation formula for the pair interaction potential. The potential is valid in the temperature region of 104 < K < T < 108K and density region of  10 21 cm -3 < n≤  10 24 cm -3 It was shown that at high temperatures and densities the results have a good agreement with well known models of Deutsch and Kelbg.


How to Cite

Ramazanov, T., Dzhumagulova, K., & Moldabekov, Z. (2018). Generalized pair potential between charged particles in densesemiclassical plasma. Physical Sciences and Technology, 1(1), 48–54.



Plasma Physics and Related Technology