Formation peculiarities of free-standing III-v single crystalline films prepared by solution method


  • V. Antoschenko al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • A. Migunova al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • V. Francev al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • O. Lavrischev al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Y. Antochshenko al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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Free-standing film, Gallium Arsenide, Solution Growth, Phase Equilibrium, III-V Compounds.


In this paper, liquid phase epitaxy method used for the synthesis of free-standing single crystalline films of IIIV compounds by interaction of the quaternary Sn-Al-Ga-As liquid with binary solid GaAs substrate. It is shown that the possibility of the formation of free-standing single-crystalline films in such systems is determined by thermodynamic and kinetic conditions near liquid-solid interface at the growth temperature. On the basis of thermodynamic analysis and experimental study of similar multi-component systems were identified key crystallization criteria of these films. These criteria were used to predict the synthesis of free-standing binary semiconductor films on a distance from the initial semiconductor substrate in some systems.


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How to Cite

Antoschenko, V., Migunova, A., Francev, V., Lavrischev, O., & Antochshenko, Y. (2015). Formation peculiarities of free-standing III-v single crystalline films prepared by solution method. Physical Sciences and Technology, 1(1).



Condensed Matter Physics and Related Techology