Nonlinear electrical properties of nanostructured porous silicon films


  • Z. Zhanabaev al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • M. Ibraimov al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Y. Sagidolda al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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porous silicon, nanofilms, negative resistance, tunneling effect, non-linear fractal.


Porous silicon films have been prepared by electrochemical etching. Morphology of the films has beenstudied by scanning probe microscope characterized by presence of self-similar structures with different scales from hundreds of nanometers to microns. Current-Voltage characteristic of nanofilms has several minima in contrast to the well-known effect of negative resistance in tunnel diodes. For theoretical description of the experimental results we suggest a new concept of "non-linear fractal".


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How to Cite

Zhanabaev, Z., Ibraimov, M., & Sagidolda, Y. (2015). Nonlinear electrical properties of nanostructured porous silicon films. Physical Sciences and Technology, 1(1).



Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics