The plasma parameters and neutron yield at device of "Plasma focus"


  • A. M. Zhukeshov
  • Zh. M. Moldabekov
  • A. Ioffe

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Present work presents calculations and experimental studies on the formation and dynamics of plasma on
the “plasma focus” set up. Physical conditions were determined and critical parameters were calculated
for estimating the neutron yield for kilojoule and megajoule set ups. The results of plasma diagnostics and
flow formation in the CPA-30 and PF-4 set ups are also shown. A comparison of calculated data and
experimental values is performed. The value of the neutron yield parameter is justified and the possible
cause of the appearance of saturation is indicated. The rationale for the development of further research in
the direction of creating conditions for thermonuclear fusion in installations of the plasma focus type is
given. The neutron flux was observed on high-voltage gas discharges with a specific geometry of the
electrodes. The result of measuring the anisotropy of the neutron yield along the axial z and radial φ
directions was equal to Yn(z)/Yn(φ)~ 2 ÷ 3, which contradicts the thermonuclear mechanism.


How to Cite

Zhukeshov, A. M., Moldabekov, Z. M., & Ioffe, A. (2019). The plasma parameters and neutron yield at device of "Plasma focus". Physical Sciences and Technology, 6(1-2), 68–74.



Plasma Physics and Related Technology