Electromagnetic compatibility of high voltage substation SMART devices


  • B. R. Kangozhin Kazakh Institute of Technical Development” LLP, 45/91,Tolebi Str., 050000, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • M. S. Zharmagambetova Kazakh Institute of Technical Development” LLP, 45/91,Tolebi Str., 050000, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • S. S. Dautov Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • D. E. Elubaev Kazakh Institute of Technical Development” LLP, 45/91,Tolebi Str., 050000, Almaty, Kazakhstan


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The article presents the results of a study of the electromagnetic compatibility of SMART devices (SD) of
automated technological control systems (ATCS) at a high voltage electrical substation. The interference
immunity of relay protection and automation devices associated with the use of electrical control cables
has been investigated. Possible sources of pulsed radiated noise at the electrical substation are listed. The
levels of pulsed electromagnetic noise at the 220 kV Karatau substation of KEGOC JSC were determined
by the calculation and experimental method, which in some cases exceeded the noise immunity of the
installed ATCS devices. An experimental method for determining the actual shielding coefficients of
control cables at an electrical substation is presented, as well as the measurement results. The influence of
shielding of relay cables on the level of electromagnetic influences on SD is revealed. Possible levels of
radiated interference were determined, taking into account the screening factor of existing control cables,
and the need to replace control cables was argued.


How to Cite

Kangozhin, B. R., Zharmagambetova, M. S., Dautov, S. S., & Elubaev, D. E. (2020). Electromagnetic compatibility of high voltage substation SMART devices. Physical Sciences and Technology, 7(1-2), 48–55. https://doi.org/10.26577/phst.2020.v7.i1.08



Electronics and Related Techology