Dust particles influence on a stratified glow discharge


  • A. Fedoseev Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, 1, Lavrentyev Ave., 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • N. Demin


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In this work, the correlations between the parameters of a DC glow discharge and dust particles in a lowtemperature
plasma is studied. The formation of voids inside the dust cloud was studied, depending on the
characteristics of the discharge (discharge pressure, type of gas and discharge current) and dust particles
(quantity and size). We have demonstrated that the ion drag force could lead to the formation of voids in
the center of the cloud of dust grains, which levitate in the field of a stratified positive column. It has also
been demonstrated that the accumulation of dust particles affects the discharge plasma in a non-local way,
i.e., the density distribution of dust grains and the charge of each individual particle depend on the plasma
parameters outside the dust cloud. The presented qualitative estimates are important for understanding the
processes occurring in complex plasma of a glow discharge.


How to Cite

Fedoseev, A., & Demin, N. (2020). Dust particles influence on a stratified glow discharge. Physical Sciences and Technology, 7(3-4), 4–10. https://doi.org/10.26577/phst.2020.v7.i2.01



Plasma Physics and Related Technology