Standard model and predictions for the Higgs boson


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This article describes the electroweak interactions of the Standard Model (SM) with Brout-Englert-Higgs (BEH) mechanism, the appearance and properties of the Higgs boson. Braut-Engler-Higgs mechanism plays an important role in the Standard Model, which introduce a scalar Higgs field with a non-zero vacuum expectation results from spontaneous symmetry breaking. So, due to the interaction with this field, elementary particles become massive. Here arise electrically neutral quanta associated with the Higgs field, so called Higgs boson, in the same way that there is a quanta associated with the electromagnetic field, i.e. photons.

The strong part of the Standard Model, Quantum Chromodynamics, quark mixing Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa matrix, physics of the neutrino and many other issues were not mentioned in the article. Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism and associated Higgs boson are important parts of the Standard Model of elementary particles. In this paper we present the full Lagrangian of the Standard Model and a set of theoretical predictions about the Higgs boson before its detection, as well as the current state of the Higgs boson problem.

Keywords: Standard Model, High Energy, Large Hadron Collider, Higgs boson, Higgs mechanism, Spontaneous symmetry breaking.


How to Cite

Nurbakova, G., Boos, E., Bunichev, V., Khabyl, N., Rustembayeva, S., & Imanova, S. (2022). Standard model and predictions for the Higgs boson. Physical Sciences and Technology, 9(3-4), 45–58.



Nuclear Physics and Related Techology