Diamond films obtained on silicone substrates by the CVD method and properties of structures based on them



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At present, the technology of obtaining diamond films on silicon and other substrates is well studied. However, in all published works to date, there has been no report of a layer of silicon carbide formed between the diamond film and the silicon substrate. The presence of a layer (15R-SiС)1-x(Cdiamond)x in the structure was revealed in the studies of structures with a diamond film obtained by us on silicon substrates by chemical vapor deposition. Diamond films were obtained on single-crystal silicon substrates with (111) orientation and n-type conductivity by the well-known CVD technology in a hydrogen-methanol (CH3OH) mixture with the addition of a certain amount (know-how) of ammonia (NH3). The diamond films consisted of small single crystals 3–5 µm in size, closely interlocked and constituting a continuous film. When studying the current-voltage characteristics of structures created on the basis of the obtained diamond films, a blue-white glow with a blue-violet tint was observed, which is explained by the mixing of blue-violet photons with photons re-emitted in the diamond film.


How to Cite

Saidov, A. S., Usmonov, S. N., Usmonov, S. N., & Rakhmonov, U. K. (2023). Diamond films obtained on silicone substrates by the CVD method and properties of structures based on them. Physical Sciences and Technology, 10(1-2), 35–41. https://doi.org/10.26577/phst.2023.v10.i1.05



Condensed Matter Physics and Related Techology