Synthesis of hierarchical wo3 microspheres for photoelectrochemical water splitting application


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In this work, hierarchical WO3 microspheres were synthesized using chemical bath deposition. The morphology of the synthesized sample was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The hierarchical WO3 microspheres formed from spontaneously self-assembled nanosheets have a high specific surface area.

Structural characterizations of sample were performed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. Analysis of XRD spectra showed that synthesized particles have a monoclinic modification. The optical properties of the sample were studied using UV-Vis diffuse reflectance absorption spectra. The value of the energy gap calculated from the absorption spectra is 2.2 eV, which indicates high light absorption ability. A photocurrent study was done to investigate the photocatalytic activity. The photoelectrode was prepared using hierarchical WO3 microspheres and polymer deposited on fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) glass via spin coating technique. A remarkable photocurrent density of 18 A/cm2 at 0.5 V was achieved. The elongated structures improved light absorption ability and photocatalytic activity.


How to Cite

Markhabayeva, A., Dupre, R. ., Nemkayeva, R. ., & Nuraje, N. . (2023). Synthesis of hierarchical wo3 microspheres for photoelectrochemical water splitting application. Physical Sciences and Technology, 10(3-4), 33–39.



Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology