Study of oxygen and steam interactions with rgt graphite


  • Y. Chikhray
  • T. Kulsartov
  • V. Shestakov
  • A. Mukanova
  • I. Kenzhina
  • S. Askerbekov
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RGT graphite, oxidation, steam, oxygen


Corrosion in air and water remains a problem for graphite as an important structural material of nuclear reactors. Changes in the gas composition in corrosion chamber with samples of RGT graphite have been studied. The sample was linearly heated to 1100C with 10C /min rate, and held at this temperature for 1800 s. Then the sample was cooled down within the same rate. During the experiment changes in the gas composition in the chamber were registered within the mass range 1-70. The time and temperature dependencies of steam, oxygen and gaseous corrosion products of RGT graphite have been obtained. Arrhenius dependencies and activation energy of rate constants of graphite interaction with the following products were derived: oxygen-graphite (mole/(sm2Pa)),water-graphite (mole/(sm2Pa).


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How to Cite

Chikhray, Y., Kulsartov, T., Shestakov, V., Mukanova, A., Kenzhina, I., & Askerbekov, S. (2015). Study of oxygen and steam interactions with rgt graphite. Physical Sciences and Technology, 1(2). Retrieved from



Thermal Physics and Related Techology