Influence of space weather on the 24th solar activity growth phase on human cardiovascular system in Almaty conditions


  • K. E. Nurgaliyeva
  • A. M. Sadykova
  • G. Zh. Kapanova
  • B. Zh. Ospanov
  • B. T. Zhumabayev
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solar activity, geomagnetic activity, cardiac infarction, hypertonic crisis, stroke, cerebrovascular accident


In this work the dependence of frequency of cardiac infarction, hypertonic crisis, cerebrovascular accident and stroke in Almaty on solar and magnetic activity at the period 2009-2013 was investigated. For this chosen period the retrospective data on calls for emergency help was analyzed. In order to appreciate the level of solar and geomagnetic activity the Wolf number, Ар-and k-indexes was used. Data was analyzed by statistical method of epochs in order to find the correlations between geomagnetic activity and occurrence of listed above diseases. It was find that cardiovascular system condition of Almaty population depend on geophysical situation.


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How to Cite

Nurgaliyeva, K. E., Sadykova, A. M., Kapanova, G. Z., Ospanov, B. Z., & Zhumabayev, B. T. (2015). Influence of space weather on the 24th solar activity growth phase on human cardiovascular system in Almaty conditions. Physical Sciences and Technology, 1(2). Retrieved from



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