Climate changing and non-equilibrium atmosphere


  • K. Nurgaliyeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, IETP, al-Farabi 71, 050040 Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • K. Tlekova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, IETP, al-Farabi 71, 050040 Almaty, Kazakhstan

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Key words, Climate changing, non-equilibrium atmosphere, gas – solar radiation, radiation flux interrelation. PACS numbers, 92.70.Cp, 92.60.Vb


This work is a first step to solve the problem on creation of the theory of evolution of non-equilibrium open systems. The mean factors forming atmospheric structures are radiation fluxes. So in order to understand atmospheric evolutional processes it is a necessary to consider atmospheric gas in continuity with radiation. This problem couldn’t be solved in the frames of traditional gas dynamics equations because of dissipative structures in any systems including atmosphere and radiation causes by entropy production and interchange and this don’t describing in the frames of traditional gas dynamics. But for this aim we could use more complex non-equilibrium thermodynamics equations which taking into account exchange processes in such systems. The behavior of wave disturbances in non-equilibrium medium: atmospheric gas – solar radiation taking into account atmospheric structures and radiation flux interrelations was investigated in this work. The dispersion relation of acoustic-gravity waves was found from reductive atmospheric gas – solar radiation system dynamic equations set in the frames of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Calculations show that the taking into account of solar radiation leads to slowly decreasing of pressure with height than without taking it into account. The maximum deviation of pressure comes to heights of 10-15 km and amounts about 3 percents. The dependence of AGW spectra deviation in non-equilibrium atmosphere from the spectra in equilibrium atmosphere from the height was estimated. It was found that in the frames of non-equilibrium spectra shifts into high-frequency region. Numerical calculations also shows that in the heights of ionosphere these effects shown up sharply at transitionally times at abrupt change of solar energy influx into atmosphere. Analysis of pressure variations shows the experimental prove of existing of obvious trend of spectra shift into high-frequency region of daytime spectra relatively to nighttime spectra and the difference made 10 percents and proves the correctness of theoretical calculations.


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How to Cite

Nurgaliyeva, K., & Tlekova, K. (2016). Climate changing and non-equilibrium atmosphere. Physical Sciences and Technology, 2(1).



Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics