Models of dark particle interactions with ordinary matter


  • N. Takibayev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, IETP, al-Farabi 71, 050040 Almaty, Kazakhstan

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Key words, dark particle, three-bode systems, resonant amplification of interactions, dark energy. PACS numbers, 95.35. d, 03.65.Nk, 21.45.-v


This paper proposes models of interaction of dark particles with massive bodies. The models describe the resonant amplification of effective interaction between two massive bodies with large distances between them. The phenomenon is explained by the catalytic action of dark particles rescattering in the system of two heavy bodies. We consider the system of two heavy stellar objects where one of them located in a center of a galaxy and another stellar body located at the galaxy's periphery orbiting the center of the galaxy. Resonant amplification of the effective interaction between these two heavy bodies imitates the increase of their mass while their true gravitational mass remains unchanged. Such increased interaction leads to more pronounced gravitational lensing of bypassing light.


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How to Cite

Takibayev, N. (2016). Models of dark particle interactions with ordinary matter. Physical Sciences and Technology, 2(2).



Nuclear Physics and Related Techology