Probe diagnostics of plasma generated by a volume source of fission fragments in the active zone of stationary nuclear reactor WWR-K


  • S. Kunakov International University of Information Technologies, 34 "A"/8 "A" Manasa/Zhandosov str., 050040 Almaty
  • E. Son Joint Institute of High Temperature AS
  • A. Shapiyeva International University of Information Technologies, 34 "A"/8 "A" Manasa/Zhandosov str., 050040 Almaty

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Probe diagnostics, helium plasma, fission fragments, nuclear reactor


This paper presents the theory and the experimental results of probe diagnostics for high-pressure nuclear induced plasma in the presence of negative ions and mathematical description based on the hydrodynamic approximation and methodological recommendations are given to define that concentrations of charged particles in the plasma on the basis of numerical calculations. 3He + UF6 plasma is generated by the nuclear reaction products 3He + n + p p + T + 0.76 MeV


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How to Cite

Kunakov, S., Son, E., & Shapiyeva, A. (2017). Probe diagnostics of plasma generated by a volume source of fission fragments in the active zone of stationary nuclear reactor WWR-K. Physical Sciences and Technology, 3(1), 73–81.



Nuclear Physics and Related Techology